Missing file MSVCR100.dll

Issue #192 on hold
jsbien created an issue

A fresh install of Windows 7 Professional 64bit - program doesn't start complaining about missing DLL. It doesn't start also in Windows XP compatibility mode.

The problem was about a year ago reported by a student, but I don't remember whether and how it has been solved. I remeber the idea of just copying the missing file, but there should be a more elegant solution.

Comments (9)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Can you attach the file which fixes the problem? I can attach it to the installer next time (even though Microsoft Visual Express claims it is not needed).

  2. jsbien reporter

    The program is working on another installation of Windows 7 (Home). Unfortunately I don't have time to investigate the problem immediately.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    A czy w najnowszej instalce jest ten plik? Jestem prawie pewien, że go dołączyłem i to właśnie rozwiązało problem.

    Której instalki Pan użył?

    Michał Rudolf

  4. jsbien reporter

    Osobiście nie będę używał Windows, na zajęciach będę pokazywał program z maszyny wirtualnej.

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