Show current sort order

Issue #223 on hold
jsbien created an issue

I can live with it, but the algorithm selected for sorting is not the Polish one, it does not distinguish l and ł, cf. the screenshot.

To help document and diagnose the problem it would be nice to display the kind of the sorting used (a tergo, a fronte, by word, by letter, perhaps also the value of the appropriate locale variable if used).

Comments (11)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Which sorting is that. I tried word sorting and it sorts Polish words correctly. Maybe you just used file order?

  2. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Current sort order is already shown in popup menu, probably since the sorting was implemented.

  3. jsbien reporter
    • changed status to open

    It is cumbersome to enter the menu just to check the selected word order. Besides it is difficult or even impossible to make a screenshot showing both the selected word order and the sorted list.

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