Duplicated entries in the history

Issue #239 invalid
jsbien created an issue

Do I guess corectly that the history stores every image refreshment? If I edit an entry, than a redundant item appears in the history.

Comments (9)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    How to reproduce?

    If I understood your request, every time current index changes, it should be added to the history.

    Editing entry should not add it twice (as selected index does not change).

  2. jsbien reporter

    Actually I am quite confused by the history, perhaps I have jumped to a wrong conclusion. Let's wait and see if the problem occurs again.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    History should work as follows now:

    1. every time new entry is selected, it is added to history
    2. editing should not affect history (the same entry cannot be added twice in a row)
    3. going back and then choosing another entry (instead of going forward) truncates history
  4. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Of course, it is possible to modify the behaviour so that only modified items are added to history.

  5. jsbien reporter

    The rules seem OK. Perhaps I was confused by rule no 3. I had an impression that I observed a behaviour not compatible with the rules, but perhaps I was mistaken. I will try to reprodu it, but later (perhaps in the evening).

  6. jsbien reporter

    I again have a problem with history which is difficult to reproduce. Anyway the rule 3 seems now wrong to me - what is its motivation? Perhaps we should talk about it?

    What about loggin adding and removing entries? I'm afraid without a log we won't be able to fix the problem.

  7. jsbien reporter

    I have no problem now with the history. Perhaps it was solved by subsequent commits, or I inadequately described the problem.

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