unknown bug of djview4 or djview4poliqarp problem?

Issue #282 invalid
jsbien created an issue

Scenario 1: * with marasca I search for [] in Linde 2016 and display the first hit (https://djvu.szukajwslownikach.uw.edu.pl/linde-t/01/index.djvu?djvuopts&page=1&zoom=width&showposition=0.376,0.419&highlight=1423,3761,1141,218); in the outline I select volume II and it opens correctly.

Scenario 2: * with djview4poliqarp I search for [] in Linde 2016 and display the hits in the graphic preview panel; I select the first one and open djview4 with the middle button; again I select the volume II but this time djview4 downloads the index file and exits!

The primary question: * what are exactly the parameters passed from djview4poliqarp to djview4?

Comments (3)

  1. jsbien reporter

    Scenario 2 confirmed on Windows: djview4 opens a browser and downloads the index file. The outline uses relative links, but they seem legal.

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