Display problem (with some documents?)

Issue #30 wontfix
jsbien created an issue

This problem is behind the issue #27, but perhaps can be solved in another way. An example:

The query e.g. "koń" in


With marasca-wbl clicking on a hit displays the page almost immediately, although the browser still shows loading somehing for some time.

With djview4poliqarp in graphical mode every hit is displayed after a long delay. It can take so much time that the user may be willing to abort the operation.

Preferred solution is of course displaying the hit as quickly as with the browser plugin.

Comments (1)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    That's because web browser downloads one document and we download 25. I don't think we can ever make downloading 25 documents as fast as downloading one.

    I also don't see any reason to abort if you can just run new query instead.

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