Presentation about Bitbucket

Issue #1 resolved
Ricardo García Fernández created an issue

The presentation must be delivered by all members of each group, in the classroom, using slides and any other multimedia material that they may consider. The expected duration of each presentation is about 15-20 mins.

  • Create slides from notes.
  • Update Wiki.


Viewing and Editing Wiki Pages:

Adding a Table of Contents to a Wiki:

  • I'm looking for the work-around for the proper 'ToC' at wiki page


Comments (12)

  1. Daniel Gamez
    • removed assignee

    I propose the following distribution of content:


    • Origin, financial support and owners/backup organization(s) [Issue #2]
    • Brief summary of relevant statistics [Issue #3]
      . Total number of projects, downloads, users, developers, etc.


    • Technical services provided to developers [Issue #5]
      . For either free accounts or pay services:
      bug-tracking, version control alternatives, wiki, mailing lists, etc.


    • Most popular projects hosted in that forge [Issue #4]
    • Brief comparison with other forges (position in the market among competitors) [Issue #6]
    • Suggestions:
      . Bruce Eckel 13 November 2008. "BitBucket/Hg vs. Launchpad/Bzr"
      . Canales de comunicación/contacto
      . Bitbucket Innovation Week
  2. Ricardo García Fernández reporter

    The TOC is only for creole markup syntax, in markdown (md) we don't have TOC, so, there is no problem :)

    We have to add any new page to Home 'by hand'.

  3. Daniel Gamez

    Uhmm.. But how did you link your Wiki Page with the ToC at Home Page?

    Should I edit with Creole format?

  4. Ricardo García Fernández reporter

    perfect, we can use creole for home page and markdown for the other pages.

  5. Daniel Gamez

    I have pushed a new version of file "" to the wiki, but it is not showed in the ToC at Wiki Home Page.

  6. Ricardo García Fernández reporter

    Presentation file doesn't have headings

    ### heading

    I think this is the 'error'.

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