Slides for presentation

Issue #7 resolved
Ricardo García Fernández created an issue

Create base slides for presentation.

Use import from main slide for each section in directory slides:

├── 000-main-bitbucket-analysis.tex
├── 001-bitbucket-presentation.tex
├── 002-bitbucket-origin-financial-support.tex
├── 003-bitbucket-relevant-statics.tex
├── 004-bitbucket-popular-projects.tex
├── 005-bitbucket-technical-services.tex
└── 006-bitbucket-comparison-other-forges.tex

Comments (5)

  1. Ricardo García Fernández reporter

    Create first draft for presentation slides, see attached file.

    Theme could be changed and organization. All we have to do is to update the main slide 000-main-bitbucket-analysis.tex.

  2. Ricardo García Fernández reporter

    To compile document you have to install :

    sudo apt-get install latex-beamer texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra

    Beamer, LaTeX extra and fonts.

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