Kidomaru's Ultimate

Issue #21 closed
Westfield created an issue

This is sort of a proposition. If you remember Kido's ultimate, which is a projectile moving at a relatively slow speed towards it's target, it has a "splat" effect, like blowing up lol and there is like blood everywhere. So my suggestion is - add a feature to the spell where the projectile will kill the target if he / she has less than 15 / 25 / 35 % HP. This kind of change would contribute greatly towards the game play, and in terms of theme - this fits perfectly.

Comments (2)

  1. anzure

    The effect that you are suggesting is to much strong, taking in count that kido has a great potential as a carry, so giving this "bonus" would turn him a more killing machine in late game not giving the enemy the chance to survive against a well played kidomaru, so in other words this feature will affect the enemys how they play against, even if you think it fits his theme is a great problem for the enemys.

    In other words i oppose this unless the skill have even a higher cooldonw that it al ready has because is a powerfull tool and a dangerous bonus in later stages of the game when kido beats the crap out of people via auto attacks.

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