Nidaime's ultimate

Issue #23 new
Westfield created an issue

There is practically no point in levelling it beyond level 1 as it provides only a 10% increase in attack miss and a static 10% MS decrease. Considering that Nidaime is kind of experiencing mana deficiency, having his ult beyond level 1 on early / mid game and probably late game doesn't really benefit him that much. In fact it just drains his mana senselessly. I suggest making it a static value like 150.

Comments (1)

  1. anzure

    rather than that we can make it worthy to level it up, insteed of going with the flow we shall break with that and give the skill a worthy bonuses rather than just reducing the mana cost on all levels if you think the skill is not great enough to leveling it up each aviable level i would suggest these as an example

    Bringer Of Darkness:

    -Change the blindness % from 45/55/65% to 30/55/80%

    -Change the movement speed slow from flat 15% to 10/18/26%

    -Adjust the mana cost from 190/230/270 to 170/210/250

    -Adjust the duration from 10 seconds flat to 8 seconds flat

    -Reduce the AoE to 600

    These adjust would make it worth it to level it up on each level and the bonuses are quite charming on later stages of the game. West my main point was on those post were to make it realize that there are a lot more that you can explore on suggesting balances rather than focusing on the mana cost and cooldowns.

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