Madara's attack range

Issue #24 closed
Westfield created an issue

Change his attack type from melee to ranged to further signify his role. He is pretty much a copy of Phoenix from Dota, so having him deal damage from afar is of vital importance. In terms of theme you could make Madara to use fire attacks, like default phoenix's fire from the War3 engine. PLUS there are no Strength ranged hero in NWU yet, so this could be a good start!

Comments (3)

  1. anzure

    The thing is that if we make him range he will have to approach at melee range to use his katon thing, so in that point will make that change worthless since his katon doesnt has that much of a range and if we increase the katon range that could turn him op on early game since he is a nuker/disabler we need to think this carefully rather than suggesting this, you need to think in the whole kit of the hero and the enemys in a fight rather than thinking what would benefit only the hero the most.

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