Mei Terumi

Issue #38 new
Westfield created an issue

Wanted to raise an issue with survivability of this char. I feel that Mei needs a bit of a stats increase which would enable her to hold her own against possible ganks. Yes, she does have a minor slow which will be at its best if all debuffs are going to be landed on the enemy unit, but that will generally be useless, as the % MS slow is rather weak.

Now I suggest a minor increase in MS slow, because it may be quite challenging to land all of the debuffs on the enemy in the right order and finally increase the cast range of her third's spell (lava globs) so as to give her a bit of distance between the enemy and herself so as to give her some extra time to evade attacks / ganks. She doesn't have any stuns, so these changes are fair in my view

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