To do List

Issue #40 new
anzure created an issue

Finally found the time to make the to do List.

  • when hitting a creep some times they dont take damage [GK beleaves that is when Obito is on the map]
  • Sakura can use gelel in obitos hold.
  • Ino's ult bugs the kunai
  • Kanks puppet's poison makes it so that when you attack it does no damage.
  • Gelel glitches sometimes.
  • Kunai drops upon death at times

Crash bugs:

-For the first game, I believe Obito's R is the cause of the crash because once I activated it and took a massive amount of damage, it just closed WC3. That's my theory, at least. ... 195515.w3g Feel free to watch through it.

-As for the second game, it gives an error message right when Sarutobi (xxkonanxx) killed Temari (Gilgamesh.?). ... 195561.w3g

Reported By DDL

-If ino ults shino, makes shino shield her then when shino breaks the shield it crashes the map.

Reported by GK

Missed stuff:

-Kisame need stats fixes.

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