Can i help?

Issue #43 closed
Loli Con created an issue

Let me know if i can help, im ready anytime. i know jass and vjass. i want to fix bugs.. revamp heroes.. new heroes..

Comments (9)

  1. Loli Con reporter

    There is still a dedicated community playing NWU, and I would like to continue the NWU legacy, everyday I am excited waiting for possibly good news, that I may be able to update NWU... please pass it on I will take good care of NWU

  2. Loli Con reporter

    What harm can it do to pass NWU to me? I am capable and more importantly have the passion to update NWU. It will do good for the NWU community. I know balance very well after playing 1000+ NWU games over the 3+ years.

  3. Nicolás Ignacio Gómez Espejo repo owner

    I can't update this game anymore due to IRL work and such. I can't give it right now because it has some problems and I don't think you can solve them.

    Those problems are because we was extracting all triggers from the map, in order to have all the code outside. This is really good to have a tracking of the changes we do.

    This extraction project isn't finished yet and I'm not sure if you can help us. This is really important and can be time consuming, but it has to be done to continue with the map develop.

  4. Nicolás Ignacio Gómez Espejo repo owner

    No more answers. I already have already finished the extraction of the core code

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