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rome3 / Download


This is a step by step instruction for installing ROME and creating a framework.


UNIX like operating system

ROME works under UNIX like operating systems. It has been tested for Linux and Mac. In Ubuntu it has been tested up to 16.04 gcc 5.4.0. A C++ compiler (g++ or clang) is needed.


The latest ROME is compatible to ROOT v4.02.xx - v6.24.xx.

Optional libraries.

package comment
MySQL if you use rome together with MySQL or MariaDB database.
PostgreSQL if you use rome together with PostgreSQL database.
SQLite if you use rome together with SQLite database.
SQLite3 if you use rome together with SQLite version 3 database.
MIDAS if you use rome online together with midas experiment.
graphviz if you want to make a picture which shows task connections.
xz library if you want to read midas files compressed by xz.
bzip2 library if you want to read midas files compressed by bzip2.

Download ROME

Downloading from Git is recommended.

ROME is available at Bitbucket. The latest version can be checked out using Git. If Git is not installed on your system, you can download from the Git web page. The url to checkout will be shown when you click on the Clone button indicated in the red circle in the following screen-shot.

The command must be like,

$ git clone rome

After you checkout, you can choose the branch to use,

$ git checkout master
$ git checkout develop
The master version is the stable version, and the develop branch is for the development of ROME. You can also search for tagged versions and check it out. For example to checkout v3.0.3,

$ git tag
$ git checkout v3.0.3

Alternatively, you can download tarballs from the links indicated in the blue circle in the following screen-shot.

Bitbucket download

(This is a screen shot. Please click here for visiting actual web-page.)


Following release are available :

Version link to release notes Supported ROOT version
3.2 (latest) release notes v5.34.xx - v6.24.xx
3.1 release notes v4.02.xx - v6.00.xx
3.0 release notes v4.02.xx - v5.34.xx

Older releases

If you are looking for even older releases including ROME version 2, please read here.

Define Environment Variables

Define the environment variable ROMESYS and update the path variable by typing :

For bash,

$ export ROMESYS=/directory/where/you/have/rome
$ export PATH=$ROMESYS/bin:$PATH
$ export ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH=${ROMESYS}/include:${ROMESYS}/argus/include

For csh, tcsh

$ setenv ROMESYS /directory/where/you/have/rome
$ setenv PATH $ROMESYS/bin:$PATH
$ setenv ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH ${ROMESYS}/include:${ROMESYS}/argus/include

You can write the commands in your .bashrc or something equivalent for you shell so that the setting is used next time you login your computer.

If you need to add special compile or link options, you can set ROMECFLAGS (for C compile), ROMECXXFLAGS (for C++ compile) and/or ROMELDFLAGS (for linking) as well. For example, if you have X11 library in a special place, for example in /opt/X11/lib/ on Mac, you can set ROMELDFLAGS to be -L/opt/X11/lib.

Make the ROMEBuilder

Go to the $ROMESYS directory and link the ROMEBuilder by typing :

$ make

Developing your software

You can try step-by-step to learn the concept of ROME.

If you are going to use ROME to analyze or monitor MIDAS data, please refer ROME MIDAS instruction.

(Matthias Schneebeli), Ryu Sawada

