
Clone wiki

hcc / Roadmap


  • Initial release on 8/18/2014.
  • Second release on 9/27/2014.
  • The next release would be on 11/08/2014.

Feature (frontend)

  • (done) Streamline compile process
  • (done) Support optional features in C++ AMP
  • (done) Improve double precision floating point support
  • Upgrade to CLANG 3.5
  • Integrate with AMD Bolt library
  • Translate calls to STL algorithms to parallel ones

Feature (backend)

  • (done) Improve HSA support
  • CPU-fallback in case of no GPU is present
  • Single binary multiple GPU targets (OpenCL, HSA, CPU)
  • Dynamic GPU target selection
  • Support host targets other than x86-64


  • (mostly done) Improve C++ AMP conformance rate on all supported targets (SPIR, OpenCL C, HSA)
  • Test against more C++ AMP projects and libraries


  • Initial release on 6/1/2014.

Wish list

Feature (frontend)

  • Streamline compile process
  • Support optional features in C++ AMP
  • Improve double precision floating point support
  • Upgrade to CLANG 3.4

Feature (backend)

  • Improve HSA support
  • CPU-fallback in case of no GPU is present
  • Single binary multiple GPU targets (OpenCL, HSA, CPU)
  • Dynamic GPU target selection
  • Support host targets other than x86-64


  • Improve C++ AMP conformance rate on all supported targets (SPIR, OpenCL C, HSA)
  • Test against more C++ AMP projects and libraries


Milestone 5

  • Passing all applicable MS Conformance test

Released 6/1/2014. Change to 0.2.0.

Milestone 4

Released 3/20/2014

Milestone 3

  • Statically deduce OpenCL address space
  • Experimental SPIR 1.2 Code Generation

Released 2/6/2014

Milestone 2

  • C++AMP Async support

Released 1/16/2014
