--qg-size make the video strange.in x265 1.6+261 16bpp

Issue #127 resolved
changhao fu created an issue

CLI:--preset veryslow --crf 15.5 --tu-intra-depth 3 --tu-inter-depth 3 --me 3 --subme 5 --merange 25 --b-intra --no-rect --no-amp --ref 5 --weightb --keyint 900 --min-keyint 1 --bframes 9 --b-adapt 2 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 1.1 --rd 5 --no-sao --no-open-gop --rc-lookahead 72 --scenecut 40 --max-merge 4 --qcomp 0.8 --no-strong-intra-smoothing --pmode --pme --psy-rdoq 4.0 --psy-rd 0.9 --deblock -2:-2 --rdoq-level 1 --qg-size 64

in 64 is OK http://www.imagebam.com/image/085464405124646 But when change the qg-size to 16 http://www.imagebam.com/image/7c277c405124469 or 32 http://www.imagebam.com/image/728a9b405124642 the video looks really strange.

Comments (5)

  1. changhao fu reporter

    re-check in 1.6+285 16bpp,and it work fine in pmode off.

    But I think it should work fine in pmode on too.

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