x265.cpp Build Errors

Issue #181 resolved
Former user created an issue

Good day! We are currently working on our programming project and we want to make your code as a reference. The problem is, when we tried to test if your code is working or not, there were several build errors (one of which we were able to solve on our own). The photo attached shows the build errors from trying to run the code.

We're not really inclined to c++ programming, so we're wondering if you could help us with our problem. Thank you very much!

Comments (5)

  1. Mahesh Pittala

    looks like you have built with Visual Studio 2008, we dropped support for vs2008 unofficially since there are very less users are using and MS dropped support for it long ago. Can you check with the newer versions of visual studio (vc10, vc11, vc12)?

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