--rd-refine causes artifacts

Issue #228 resolved
SI created an issue

I just tested the new --rd-refine option, and it seems to cause some weird artifacts at times. See the area right next to the hand where the gun is. There seems to be a block missing in the encoded file. It's there if --rd-refine is not used.

This was the command line: c:\x265\x265.exe --input - --y4m --input-depth 16 --deblock -1:-1 --rc-lookahead 60 --merange 25 --limit-refs 3 --no-amp --no-sao --ctu 16 --max-tu-size 16 --qg-size 16 --psy-rd 2.0 --psy-rdoq 5.0 --rdoq-level 1 --crf 17 --keyint 480 --sar 160:179 --colormatrix "bt470bg" --colorprim "bt470bg" --transfer "bt470bg" --preset veryslow --output "r:\airwolf_s03e01.hevc"

I've attached screenshots from the original clip (cropped etc. in the Vapoursynth script so it's not directly what you get from the VOB), and a sample video clip. Please let me know if you need a longer clip to analyse.

Comments (8)

  1. Deepthi Nandakumar

    Thanks - rd-refine is an experimental feature, hence the push to dev branch (and not stable).

    We're not fully satisfied with the results of rd-refine, and fully expect to make more improvements/fixes in the coming weeks.

  2. Kavitha Sampath

    --input-depth 16 used above is incorrect and might lead to corrupted bitstream as the video clip seems to be 8bit.
    Without using input-depth 16, the missing block couldn't be reproduced at our end using the clip attached

  3. SI reporter

    The sample clip is cut directly from the VOB to let you analyse things. I'm quite sure I did convert the source to 16 bits before feeding it to x265 but I'll check that when I get to the computer where the Vapoursynth script is.

  4. SI reporter

    I'm able to reproduce the issue with a Vapoursynth script like this:

    import vapoursynth as vs

    core = vs.get_core()

    clp = core.d2v.Source(r'C:\x265\airwolf.d2v')

    clp = core.vivtc.VFM(clp, order=1, chroma=False)

    clp = core.vivtc.VDecimate(clp)

    clp = core.std.CropRel(clp, left=0, right=12)

    clp = core.fmtc.bitdepth(clp, bits=16)


    It seems that it occurs with that specific cropping, I was not able to catch it for example by cropping 4 pixels from the left and 8 from the right side.

    I also tested and the encoder doesn't even begin encoding if I try to feed the clip as 8 bits with input-depth 16.

  5. SI reporter

    I'm not able to reproduce this with the latest source. Either it was a miscompile by VS2015 or something else commited afterwards has fixed it.

  6. Deepthi Nandakumar

    Thanks, closing this now. I'm inclined to think this was more a pre-processing issue (cropping).

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