docs contradiction presets vs fast-intra

Issue #268 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, fast-intra: Only applicable for --rd levels 4 and below (medium preset and faster).

preset-table: in the table fast-intra is 0 (which should be disabled or --no-fast-intra) with medium and 1 (enabled) with fast

so, which is it?



Comments (3)

  1. Mahesh Pittala

    fast-intra enabled at rd level 2 - ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast presets

    and disabled at rd levels 3, 4 - medium, slow presets but can enable as per doc.

    and will not be useful at rd level > 4 - slower, veryslow, placebo presets

  2. Deepthi Nandakumar

    What the documentation says is, fast-intra can be enabled only at rd-level 4 or smaller - it doesnt need to be. It cannot be enabled/ineffective for rdlevels > 4.

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