zondx265 tool reported errors with --hrd

Issue #269 resolved
Mahesh Pittala created an issue

Demo version is available here -http://www.solveigmm.com/en/products/zond/


Errors count 12

Different errors count 5

Frames count with errors 3

Frame num Offset Source Description

0 0x00000466 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When an SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall be the first SEI NAL unit that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit (Section D.3.1)

0 0x0000046f Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested buffering period SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

0 0x0000047e Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested picture timing SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message or a non-nested buffering period SEI message (Section D.3.1)

2 0x00000bd5 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When an SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall be the first SEI NAL unit that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit (Section D.3.1)

2 0x00000bde Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested buffering period SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

2 0x00000bed Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested picture timing SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message or a non-nested buffering period SEI message (Section D.3.1)

2 0x00000bd5 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: An SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message shall contain only one active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

25 0x0000ea1c Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When an SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall be the first SEI NAL unit that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit (Section D.3.1)

25 0x0000ea25 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: The value of nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay[0] shall be less than or equal to 90000 * ( CpbSize[0] / BitRate[ 0 ] ), the time-equivalent of the CPB size in 90 kHz clock units. But it is equal to 90001, CpbSize[ 0 ] is equal to 100000000, BitRate [ 0 ] is equal to 100000000 (section D.3.2)

25 0x0000ea25 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested buffering period SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

25 0x0000ea34 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested picture timing SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message or a non-nested buffering period SEI message (Section D.3.1)

25 0x0000ea1c Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: An SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message shall contain only one active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

Comments (7)

  1. Mahesh Pittala reporter

    Errors count reduced to 3.

    command: x265_main10.exe source.y4m --hrd --vbv-maxrate 100000 --vbv-bufsize 100000 --colorprim 1 --colormatrix 1 --transfer 1 -o test.hevc

    Errors count 3

    Different errors count 3

    Frames count with errors 1

    Frame num Offset Source Description

    0 0x00000475 Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When an SEI NAL unit containing an active parameter sets SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall be the first SEI NAL unit that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the SEI NAL unit (Section D.3.1)

    0 0x0000047e Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested buffering period SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the buffering period SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message (Section D.3.1)

    0 0x0000048e Conformance to HEVC specification SEI: When a non-nested picture timing SEI message is present in an access unit, it shall not follow any other SEI message that follows the prevVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message and precedes the nextVclNalUnitInAu of the picture timing SEI message, other than an active parameter sets SEI message or a non-nested buffering period SEI message (Section D.3.1)

  2. Divya Manivannan

    Checked in the HM encoder by enabling the following options: SEIActiveParameterSets, VuiParametersPresent, SEIBufferingPeriod, SEIPictureTiming. zond265 tool shows error for the HM encoded bitstream also. I am not sure whether any additional options are required in HM encoder. But there is no such errors in Intel analyzer.

  3. Divya Manivannan

    The bitstreams from x265 and HM encoder are decoded properly without any errors. May be a bug in zond265 tool.

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