Crash in x265::CUData::copyToPic

Issue #284 new
Former user created an issue

Steps to reproduce: 1. run vlc 2. convert a specific file (H.264 in Quicktime container) to H.265 (MP4 container)

What happens: Crash after some 2…5 seconds

Affected versions: x265-libs 1.9 (RPMFusion-free build 1.9-1.fc24, vlc 3.0.0 from git master (RPMFusion build 3.0.0-0.2.fc24,

Additional info: I attached a backtrace retreived with gdb attached to vlc while the crash (Segmentation violation) happened.

Comments (1)

  1. Deepthi Nandakumar


    Can you reproduce this issue in standalone x265? VLC's support of x265 is rudimentary, and I know the team has had a patch in the works - but it's not yet in.

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