Mulilib on mac

Issue #285 resolved
Selur created an issue

Haven't build x265 for the last two month on my mac, so I thought it might be a good idea to make a clean checkout, switch to the terminal, run make-Makefile and then make, problem is: unlike before, at least as I remember it, the ui wants some additional infos it before did only require when running the separate builds. So I set the architecture to x86_64 (hoping the the script would take of the rest. But when running configure it complains about not finding hg under /usr/local/bin/hg, but I checked and it's there.

-> would be nice if someone could look into compiling on mac (running latest mac os 10.11.5)

Comments (4)

  1. Mahesh Pittala

    hope you set /usr/local in PATH environment variable if hg installed in /usr/local

    for me, hg installed & found in /usr/bin

    $ echo $PATH


    FYI, Mac OSX version is 10.8.5, have used 'Unix Makefiles' generator

  2. Selur reporter

    looks fine here:

    macmini:linux selur$ echo $PATH
    macmini:linux selur$ which hg
    macmini:linux selur$ 
  3. Selur reporter

    Installed some updates, restarted the mac and now compiling works like it should,... no clue what caused the problem, but it seems to be fixed by itself. (really strange)

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