output change between x265 and ffmpeg+x265

Issue #312 new
Radhakrishnan Venugopal Rajaganesan created an issue

encoded output of x265 and encoded output of ffmpeg+x265 varies for the same input video. I am adding last line of console ouput here. For full console log PFA : ffmpeg-log.txt

ffmpeg+x265: encoded 240 frames in 21.86s (10.98 fps), 1849.00 kb/s, Avg QP:33.87, Global PSNR: 39.075, SSIM Mean Y: 0.9348855 (11.863 dB)

x265: encoded 240 frames in 22.81s (10.52 fps), 1848.92 kb/s, Avg QP:33.88, Global PSNR: 39.074, SSIM Mean Y: 0.9348923 (11.864 dB)

Comments (4)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    Adding --info to the x265 command-line and setting the param to true in the x265 options passed from ffmpeg will dump the entire param structure as in the SEI prefix packet. Can you please look at them in an analyzer to understand if there are any differences in the param settings which may be causing this difference?

  2. Ma0

    You compare stable ver. 2.1 (inside ffmpeg) with developer ver. 2.1+70 (default branch). If you compare the same version of x265 (inside ffmpeg & standalone), the result should be the same. For switch to stable branch please use 'hg update stable'

  3. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    The ffmpeg log shows x265 version as 0.0! I recall there was some issue with the original 2.1 tag of x265 but I fixed it with an updated tarball. Can you please make sure to try the same version of x265 inside ffmpeg and check if this issue persists? If so, please try adding --info to the cli and looking at the dump of the param struct in the SEI message.

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