Segmentation fault when encoding a 2048x8192 video with zerolatency tunning

Issue #319 new
Caoyang Jiang created an issue


I am trying to encode a 2048x8192 yuv420 video sequence with following command,

x265 --tune zerolatency --qp 24 --input-res 2048x8192 --fps 60

The latest x265 crashed with segmentation fault after encoding 3 frames. I then removed "--tune zerolatency" and there is no seg fault. I also tried --input-res 8192x2048 with zerolatency and x265 works just fine. Any help on this issue is appreciated.



Comments (4)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    I am assuming that you're doing this on the latest tip of the default branch. I tried with some HD and UHD clips and it seems to work fine.

    Can you please share the source clip so that we can reproduce this failure?

  2. Caoyang Jiang reporter

    Thanks for your reply, Pradeep. I did more experiment and the segmentation fault depends on the video content and resolution. Unfortunately I can't share the source clip that creates the segment fault due to legal agreement. I will try to see if I can found any publicly available video source that could produce same error.

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