Seek appear not working

Issue #324 resolved
H0W1K2 created an issue

"D:\BD-RBV05023\BD_Rebuilder\tools\avs2yuv.exe" "D:\BD-RB\WORKFILES\VID_00001.AVS" -par 1:1 -o - | "D:\BD-RBV05023\BD_Rebuilder\tools\x265-64.exe" - --preset superfast --frames 205777 --seek 194559 --zones 194560,205440,q=40 --me umh --colorprim bt709 --transfer bt709 --colormatrix bt709 --no-info --qpfile "D:\BD-RB\WORKFILES\VID_00001.CHP" --keyint 240 --bitrate 4670 --y4m --stats "D:\BD-RB\WORKFILES\VID_00001.AVS.hevc.stats" --pass 1 --output "D:\BD-RB\WORKFILES\VID_00001.AVS.hevc"


I like encoder to start from frame 194559, but it always start from beginning.

Comments (13)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    Seek will only work when input is file-based. When input is via stdin, we cannot seek as that file handle disallows seeking operations.

  2. H0W1K2 reporter

    Oh I see, make sense since it is similar to pipe which doesn't allow it. Can we print error message on cli, to make user aware of this or is trivial to add it.

  3. H0W1K2 reporter

    @ Pradeep Ramachandran,

    Mao patch is working, I tried from commit db5e22b and seek option is working.
    Though there is no progress while it is seeking to specific frame even though I specified total number of frames. 0011.PNG

    Also encoder does not update total number of frame it gonna do, if total of fame is specified it should be able to subtract number of frame skipped and update total number of frame which will processed. (Picture below)


    As you can see total number of frames are 262625 and I seek up to 5000, at progress percentage it should account for this(Red and orange line) but it doesn't.

  4. Ma0

    Currently in x265 there is no option to specify total numbers of frames. From file x265 calculate the number, from pipe the number is unknown. Option '--frames' means: "Maximum number of frames to encode. Default all". In current version of x265 the subtraction should be made by you and the result you should specify in '--frames' option. Maybe new option '--total-frames' or something like this should be added to x265.

  5. H0W1K2 reporter

    Oh I see what you saying. I was just looking at option and based on description it seems rate control use it or at least that what I understand from it. I was thinking may be disable option which is in bold when seek is specified.

    --frames <integer> The number of frames intended to be encoded. It may be left unspecified, but when it is specified rate control can make use of this information . It is also used to determine if an encode is actually a still picture profile encode (single frame)

  6. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    @H0W1K2 - I don't understand why rate-control would care about total number of frames when it is encoding only a sub-set of the number of frames in the file; those are the frames that it should care about. Can you please help me understand?

  7. H0W1K2 reporter


    I am referring to text written on website specifically under sub category Input/Output File Options

    “--frames” it says

    “The number of frames intended to be encoded. It may be left unspecified, but when it is specified rate control can make use of this information. It is also used to determine if an encode is actually a stillpicture profile encode (single frame)”

    As you can see this can be confusing to say the least since it specifically mention that rate control make use of this information. While I am not sure how rate control used it, I am just going by what I read on website. My reasoning was if seek is used, number of frames to be encoded is no longer same and usually they are less than value specified by option frames in first place. Assuming what is written on website is true, seek may influence rate control.

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