The x265.exe generated output file changed from master branch revision 946f38d

Issue #331 invalid
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I tried to build X265 and use it on Windows with VS2015 Update 3. The generated output file using x265.exe changed from master branch revision 946f38d ( Could you please take a look at this? If the change is expected, please let me know.

You can follow the steps below to reproduce my issue: 1. git clone D:\X265\src 2. Open a VS 2015 x86 command prompt and browse to D:\X265 3. mkdir build_x86 && pushd build_x86 4. cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" ..\src\source 5. msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 x265.sln /t:Rebuild /m 6. cd Release 7. x265.exe 1.y4m -o .\1_2.x265 --no-info --no-vui-timing-info --preset=medium --bitrate 1000 -F4 --cu-lossless --scaling-list default 8. Then we will get a output file named "1_2.x265" 9. Execute comand "fciv.exe -sha1 1_2.x265". We will get a hash value. For master branch revision 7035783, the hash value is c8fdcdc0e20a1a24a68f72682c7955d5252f10b7. From master branch revision 946f38d, the hash value changs to ec910f535e97cfa5778f653d031898b00a25c1a0 It turned out the output file of x265.exe is changed. Could you please confirm if this change is expected? Thanks in advance!

Note: I attached the input file 1.y4m.

Comments (4)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    The revision 946f38d changes outputs; therefore the hash between previous revisions and this one will mismatch. The outputs from 946f38d should be visually improved since it is using new lambda tables.

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