Cannot input huge files

Issue #36 resolved
Former user created an issue
$ x265.exe "N:/Noel_98.yuv" -o "N:/Noel_98.hevc" --input-res 720x576 --fps 50
x265 [error]: unable to open input file <N:/Noel_98.yuv>

$ x265.exe -V
x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version 0.8+17-91936aab5ae9
x265 [info]: build info [Windows][GCC 4.8.1][32 bit] 8bpp

The above yuv file is 109 GB. Files of up to some hundred of MBs encode ok.

$ x265.exe "N:/Essai.yuv" -o "N:/Essai.hevc" --input-res 720x576 --fps 50
yuv  [info]: 720x576 fps 50000/1000 i420 frames 0 - 331 of 332
x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version 0.8+17-91936aab5ae9
x265 [info]: build info [Windows][GCC 4.8.1][32 bit] 8bpp

Comments (4)

  1. Steve Borho

    When you get this error: x265 [error]: unable to open input file <N:/Noel_98.yuv> without any other messages it essentially means fopen() is failing.

    This looks like a 32bit MinGW issue. You can try this workaround:

    x265 - -o "N:/Noel_98.hevc" --input-res 720x576 --fps 50 < "N:/Noel_98.yuv"

    This makes the shell open the file and provide an open file handle as stdin.

    Or you can build x265 as 64bit and this problem should go away.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks - also for the great job you are doing. x265 is my first compile - a bit more fun than 'hello world'. I have changed from MinGW to MinGW-w64 which has 'long files support' even for 32-bit it seems, since it works now.

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