
Issue #385 resolved
Sebastian Ramacher created an issue

A CVE was released for the embedded copy of x265 in libbpg. The corresponding bug report can be found at

From a first look at it, "bug 1" is also present in the current version of x265. At least in Analysis::create and FrameData::create the return value of create is not checked, so that might cause similar crashes.

Comments (5)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    Thanks for the report. We will try to address this asap on the stable branch, given its security implications.

  2. Santhoshini Sekar

    We have pushed a patch(changeset: 78c0f2c) on the stable branch of x265 to address this issue. Can you please check and let us know if this fixes it?

  3. Sebastian Ramacher reporter

    Thank you. I don't have the samples crashing the code, but the fixes look good to me.

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