Error of raw HEVC when use stdout

Issue #390 resolved
sonthakit created an issue

Window 8.1 64 bits

I try to wrap raw HEVC file in the container such as mkv by using ffmpeg in single command. I try to use x265 --> output as stdout and pipe in ffmpeg to make mkv but it produce error. To test it, I use ffmpeg to test decode of HEVC file

1) Control test

x265.exe any.y4m control.hevc

result is control.hevc without error. Then test decode hevc by ffmpeg.

FFmpeg.exe -loglevel error -hide_banner -i control.hevc -f null -

ffmpeg report no error, just warning that missing picture in access unit.

2) Pipe test

x265.exe any.y4m - | FFmpeg.exe -loglevel error -hide_banner -i - -f null -

A lot of error is report from ffmpeg

3) Try to see what is x265 produce in stdout

x265.exe any.y4m - 1>bug.hevc

The bug.hevc has normal structure of hevc file such as it has NAL VPS SPS PPS IDR but it cannot display due to corrupted file.

try to decode bug.hevc by ffmpeg still produce error

FFmpeg.exe -loglevel error -hide_banner -i bug.hevc -f null -

In summary, output to file is good but output to stdout is bug.

Comments (6)

  1. sonthakit reporter

    I cannot test it due to I don't have complier. If you found the bug and test it already. Then I think it is OK.

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