The x265.exe generated output file changed from master branch revision 3ef0987

Issue #393 new
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I tried to build x265 on Windows with VS2017 Update 5. The generated output file using x265.exe changed from master branch revision 3ef0987[ Could you please help take a look at this? If the change is expected, please let me know.

Repro steps:

  1. git clone D:\X265\src
  2. Open a VS 2017 x86 command prompt as admin and browse to D:\X265
  3. mkdir build_x86 && pushd build_x86
  4. cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.16299.0 ..\src\source
  5. msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=Win32 build_x86\x265.sln /t:Rebuild /m /p:BuildInParallel=true
  6. cd Release
  7. x265.exe ....\test_data\input\1.y4m -o .\1_3.x265 --no-info --no-vui-timing-info --preset=slower --no-weightp --pme --qg-size 16
  8. x265.exe ....\test_data\input\1.y4m -o .\1_11.x265 --no-info --no-vui-timing-info --preset=slower --bitrate 500 -F4 --rdoq-level 1
  9. x265.exe ....\test_data\input\2.y4m -o .\2_3.x265 --no-info --no-vui-timing-info --preset=slower --no-weightp --pme --qg-size 16
  10. Then we will get a output file named "1_3.x265", "1_11.x265", "2_3.x265".
  11. fciv -v -bp %cd% -type *.x265 -sha1 -wp -xml ....\test_data\output\verify.xml

Actual result:

List of modified files:


Hash is     : 44e2a5ce2b218c1313c2e20491b4ab92045c5b6d

It should be    : cfb37686a6b256e74a037f419e2100e920fc5364


Hash is     : d3ed073e1fe3b72a43760dc0e17ecf0319b8d32d

It should be    : f09cf3f2ffef3e80b077101ae8f095449f21b499


Hash is     : b7507bba2a93ef322f19226e40888b280d306ef3

It should be    : 1389acfb93954785fe8b97c291b0b2416e4ade40

Note: I attached the input file 1.y4m and 2.y4m.

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