SVT-HEVC encoder errors from x265

Issue #496 new
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I want to test the SVT-HEVC from x265. I followed the instruction from and able to build x265 with SVT-HEVC successfully. But when I ran the new built x265, I got the following errors: $ x265/build/linux/x265 --y4m tearsofsteel-4k.y4m --svt tearsofsteel-4k-svt.mp4 y4m [info]: 4096x1714 fps 24/1 i420p8 frames 0 - 17619 of 17620 raw [info]: output file: tearsofsteel-4k-svt.mp4 x265 [info]: HEVC encoder version 3.0+35-gc47874b x265 [info]: build info [Linux][GCC 5.4.0][64 bit] 8bit SVT [version]: SVT-HEVC Encoder Lib v1.3.0 SVT [build] : GCC 5.4.0 20160609 64 bit LIB Build date: May 14 2019 17:07:15 SVT [Error]: Instance 1 : Invalid tile column count SVT [Error]: Instance 1 : Invalid tile row count x265 [error]: SVT-HEVC Encoder: Error while configuring encoder parameters x265 [error]: failed to open encoder

I asked SVT-HEVC support engineers. They told me both tile column count and tile row column count are not set correctly by x265. Those counts should be 1s instead of 0s. Could you please take a look and help me to fix the problem.



Comments (1)

  1. Pradeep Ramachandran Account Deactivated

    Changeset 1ad1c5547f79 should fix this. Can you please let us know if you still have this issue

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