who is coming up with weird X265_VERSION?

Issue #497 closed
Helmut K. C. Tessarek created an issue
$ cat source/common/CMakeFiles/common.dir/flags.make |grep X265_VERSION

Custom flags: common/CMakeFiles/common.dir/version.cpp.o_FLAGS = -DX265_VERSION=3.0_RC+44-a46ded2c1411 -DLINKED_10BIT=1 -DLINKED_12BIT=1 -DENABLE_ASSEMBLY=1

Who’s coming up with x265’s version names? Why would someone call the version 3.0_RC+44-a46ded2c1411 when the tip is at 3bdf06e3c628? This is very confusing and I believe there might be a bug in the cmake scripts. Is X265_VERSION created dynamically or is it committed to the code tree? Either way, something seems off.

Comments (7)

  1. Helmut K. C. Tessarek reporter

    I did a hg clone a long time ago and I’ve been only using hg pull since then, so I guess that I am on the default branch. But when I do a hg log I get the following:

    changeset:   12524:3bdf06e3c628
    branch:      Release_3.1
    tag:         tip
    user:        praveen_karadugattu <praveenkumar@multicorewareinc.com>
    date:        Fri Jun 14 15:44:08 2019 +0530
    summary:     Decoupled the non-"medium" presets from the effect of new default parameters committed under commit-id 4583000db964.

    So when I do hg log -l 1 --template '{date(date, "%Y%m%d")}-{node|short}\n' to get the latest commit point I get 20190614-3bdf06e3c628, but the X265 version is 3.0_RC+44-a46ded2c1411. So what is going on?

  2. Helmut K. C. Tessarek reporter

    Hmm, ok, hg id returns a46ded2c1411. But this is very confusing, maybe I don’t understand hg then. hg log is supposed to show me the commits in the current branch, but apparently not. I’m a git user, so thank you for pointing out my stupid user error. I’m sorry for this ticket and the noise.

  3. Lu Xinyue

    Hg works almost completely different than git apart from they are both DVCS and I understand your confusing. It confused me so much that I have moved to git mirror to do all my modding work.

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