x265 crashes upon start of encode

Issue #512 resolved
SI created an issue

There's something broken in the latest version after 3.1+14, I've now tried two different builds of the latest source code but both have the same problem.

This is the output:
y4m [info]: 1920x1080 fps 24000/1001 i420p16 sar 1:1 unknown frame count
raw [info]: output file: f:\temp\captures\testclip.hevc
Error: fwrite() call failed when writing frame: 4, plane: 0, errno: 32
Output 22 frames in 1.66 seconds (13.23 fps)

This is just by loading the source in a Vapoursynth script, converting it to high bit depth and feeding it to x265 with vspipe (of latest Vapoursynth). Many other clips work just fine so it doesn’t happen with every clip. If I use 3.1+14 (last commit f08461f), no problems.

For example this sample clip causes the issue:


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