CSV Log Giving Unknown Values

Issue #516 new
Former user created an issue

Using the CLI option --csv at log-level=2, I should be getting the following values: (from the documentation)

  • Encode Order
  • Type
  • POC
  • QP
  • Bits
  • Scenecut
  • RateFactor Applicable only when CRF is enabled. (where is CRF enabled/disabled?)
  • BufferFill BitsufferFillFinal Buffer
  • Latency Latency in terms of number of frames between when the frame was given in and when the frame is given out. (should this be a non-integer?)
  • PSNR
  • SSIM
  • Ref lists POC of references in lists 0 and 1 for the frame. (how many values would this be?)
  • I/P cost ratio

  • Analysis statistics:

  • CU Statistics percentage of CU modes. (how many values is this?)
  • Distortion Average luma and chroma distortion.
  • Psy Energy Average
  • Residual Energy Average
  • Luma/Chroma Values minumum, maximum and average(averaged by area) luma and chroma values of source for each frame. (in which order?)
  • PU Statistics percentage of PU modes at each depth. (how many levels are there?)

  • Performance statistics:

  • DecideWait (ms)
  • Row0Wait (ms)
  • Wall time (ms)
  • Ref Wait Wall (ms)
  • Total CTU time (ms)
  • Stall Time (ms)
  • Total frame time
  • Avg WPP
  • Row Blocks

However, when I attempt to interpret the data, I find that there are many percentage values that I cannot categorize into the above labels, as I find nearly double the types of values that are listed. Example from one frame slice:

0, I-SLICE,0,29.36,1634168,0,0,27.087,35.268,39.284,39.901,36.349,43,  -, -,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,1.79%,2.36%,1.62%,5.62%,6.44%,7.84%,11.57%,9.83%,25.06%,27.87%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,1280453.61,238988.54,0,13982134.74,52,1008,407.84,208,624,490.65,384,772,518.79,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,100.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,100.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,96.22%,0.00%,0.00%,3.78%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,100.00%,27791,1,793,0,5493,0,24010,7.975,113

If anyone could help me categorize this data, and answer my questions regarding the values (which will probably help categorization), that would be of great help.

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