analysis-reuse-level=10 on first pass causes a crash

Issue #522 new
Andrey Semashev created an issue

When adding analysis-reuse-level=10 option on the first pass encode, x265 crashes with a segmentation fault.

I’m using libx265 3.2.1 through ffmpeg 4.2.1. The full command line is:

ffmpeg -y -i "$INPUT" -map 0:v:0 -c:v:0 libx265 -preset "veryslow" -crf 28 -x265-params "analysis-reuse-level=10:ssim-rd=1:multi-pass-opt-distortion=1:multi-pass-opt-analysis=1:stats=${INPUT}.x265.log:analysis-reuse-file=${INPUT}.x265.analysis.dat:no-slow-firstpass=1:pass=1" -an -threads 0 -f matroska /dev/null

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