2-pass encoding failure with 3.2+15-04db2bfee5d6 (which contains the scenecut-aware-qp code)

Issue #524 resolved
Martin Belleau created an issue

Command used:

x265 --pass 1 --preset slow --bitrate 7000 --vbv-bufsize 7000 --vbv-maxrate 7000 M:\y4m\park_joy_1080p50.y4m -o C:\out.h265

x265 --pass 2 --preset slow --bitrate 7000 --vbv-bufsize 7000 --vbv-maxrate 7000 M:\y4m\park_joy_1080p50.y4m -o C:\out.h265

2nd pass fails with:

x265 [error]: different scenecut setting than first pass (40 vs 40)

Used this precompiled build:

Comments (8)

  1. Nik McNulty

    Also, under an API (Handbrake), I’ve confirmed that v3.2+15 crashes on the 2nd pass with the same “(40 vs 40)“ error when using scenecut-aware-qp=0, but WORKS when using scenecut-aware-qp=1

  2. Nik McNulty

    2-pass under the the API now works.

    Tried it with no scenecut-aware-qp parameter (i.e. default), then with it as either 0 or 1. All worked.

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