> 3.3+18 chunks broken, frame count mismatch, failure to exit

Issue #541 new
Former user created an issue

Number of source frames: 75216

Four chunks, on four encoder instances, piped from FFMpeg.

Instance 1 chunk command: "--chunk-end 18804" Instance 2 chunk command: "--seek 18555 --chunk-start 250 --chunk-end 19053" Instance 3 chunk command: "--seek 37359 --chunk-start 250 --chunk-end 19053" Instance 4 chunk command: "--seek 56163 --chunk-start 250 --chunk-end 19053"

Versions up to 3.3+18 produce correct output, with 18804, 18804, 18804 and 18804 frames per chunk or instance. Versions newer than 3.3+18 produce incorrect and non-predictable output and the encoders fail to exit. The executable remains active with its runtime memory allocation intact.

Tested on GCC (MingW) and MSVC 19.25 with the same exact results.

Comments (3)

  1. The Stilt

    Confirmed. The correctness of the output has also been verified with the patch applied to the newest commit.

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