--analysis-load-reuse-level 10 produce different bitstreams under CRF/ABR mode

Issue #562 new
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I want to reproduce the same bitstream through analysis-save/load, however, when using command line: [analysis-save] ./x265 --input-res $res --fps $fps --input $input.yuv --preset medium --crf 23 --analysis-save save.dat --analysis-save-reuse-level 10 --frames 5 -o out1.hevc [analysis-load] ./x265 --input-res $res --fps $fps --input $input.yuv --preset medium --crf 23 --analysis-load save.dat --analysis-load-reuse-level 10 --frames 5 -o out2.hevc

The bitstream are slightly different from each other. It works for Intra Frame, but for P/B Frames, the TU info and CABAC content are different from each other.

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