Release Tag is incorrect

Issue #580 resolved
Patman86 created an issue

The last change ensures that the release tag is no longer generated correctly. If I undo this change, it works as usual. Please check the change. I use GCC (mingw) as compiler and hg/git are installed.

Comments (20)

  1. Patman86 reporter

    I am using git clone. Compiling works, but "x265 unknown" was displayed when using the x265.exe -V command.

    The strange thing is, when I use the mirror from github and compile it, it shows "x265 3.4 + 28" after the command.

  2. Kurapati Srikanth

    We will be pushing a fix patch by today. That should mostly resolve your issue as we observed a similar case in our tests and fixed the same.

  3. Kurapati Srikanth

    Hi Patman,

    We have pushed a patch for the issue

    [X265] [Final Patch] fix: avoids unnecessary lexicographic order checks on git changesets

    Please check the same on your end and update us.

  4. Patman86 reporter

    I noticed something else strange. When I'm in the master branch, I get 3.4+29 as the version tag. If I checkout in branch release 3.5, I get 3.4+35. Should that be so?

  5. Patman86 reporter

    Yes, but shouldn't the master branch be the one that takes all changes into account? In my opinion, the master branch should have the higher version tag, not the release branch. I think that confuses users. I accept that ^^

  6. Kurapati Srikanth

    ideally that should be the case but release tagging is still not yet done. once the release is done may be the scenario will change. I will recheck the development processes we follow and get back. Probably because we have branched out early for 3.5 and other logistics there are some differences in revisions on both of them.

  7. Patman86 reporter

    After Release 3.5 has now appeared, I looked closely at the tag, unfortunately it is still wrong. When compiling, the tag 3.5+8 is used, but it should be 3.5+9. I use the master branch for compiling. I checked it using the following git command.

    git describe --tags

  8. Patman86 reporter

    I fixed it by replacing line 154




    in the version.cmake file. Maybe you have another idea.

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