--tune zerolatency does not work with --crf

Issue #82 invalid
Former user created an issue

When I use both of these options, the bitrate stays very high regardless of specified crf.

Comments (4)

  1. Aarthi Thirumalai

    Can you provide us more information on your source, x265 version, cmd line (output log -csv file) is possible? When tested with standard HD, 4k videos, crf with zero latency works as expected.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I am encoding a short segment from parkjoy at 720p resolution, available from derf's test media collection: https://media.xiph.org/video/derf/

    crf 10:

    Command, Date/Time, Elapsed Time, FPS, Bitrate, Y PSNR, U PSNR, V PSNR, Global PSNR, SSIM, SSIM (dB), I count, I ave-QP, I kpbs, I-PSNR Y, I-PSNR U, I-PSNR V, I-SSIM (dB), P count, P ave-QP, P kpbs, P-PSNR Y, P-PSNR U, P-PSNR V, P-SSIM (dB), B count, B ave-QP, B kpbs, B-PSNR Y, B-PSNR U, B-PSNR V, B-SSIM (dB), Version
     -r park_joy_short.y4m-10.y4m --preset slow --tune zerolatency --threads 1 --min-keyint 256 --keyint 256 --no-scenecut --crf=10 --csv park_joy_short.y4m-10.csv -o park_joy_short.y4m-10.x265 /home/ec2-user/sets/video-1-short/park_joy_short.y4m, Tue Oct 21 16:00:17 2014, 270.60, 0.18, 320731.16, -, -, -, -, -, -,1     , 6.74, 305536.80, -, -, -, -, 49    , 0.34, 321041.21, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,  1.2+248-a2fd8a71de61

    crf 45:

    Command, Date/Time, Elapsed Time, FPS, Bitrate, Y PSNR, U PSNR, V PSNR, Global PSNR, SSIM, SSIM (dB), I count, I ave-QP, I kpbs, I-PSNR Y, I-PSNR U, I-PSNR V, I-SSIM (dB), P count, P ave-QP, P kpbs, P-PSNR Y, P-PSNR U, P-PSNR V, P-SSIM (dB), B count, B ave-QP, B kpbs, B-PSNR Y, B-PSNR U, B-PSNR V, B-SSIM (dB), Version
     -r park_joy_short.y4m-45.y4m --preset slow --tune zerolatency --threads 1 --min-keyint 256 --keyint 256 --no-scenecut --crf=45 --csv park_joy_short.y4m-45.csv -o park_joy_short.y4m-45.x265 /home/ec2-user/sets/video-1-short/park_joy_short.y4m, Tue Oct 21 16:00:12 2014, 266.59, 0.19, 316925.69, -, -, -, -, -, -,1     , 41.89, 7207.60 , -, -, -, -, 49    , 0.34, 323246.44, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,  1.2+248-a2fd8a71de61

    These videos are very short (2 seconds). Using just --bframes=0 instead of --tune exhibits the expected behavior, but is not causal.

  3. Aarthi Thirumalai

    The version (1.2+248-a2fd8a71de61) you are using is pretty old. tune=zerolatency was broken in that. the issues have been fixed in eba786bbe4b5. Pls update to the commit eba786bbe4b5 or later to that, to test for zero latency feature.

    I ran a test on the current tip : crf 45: Command, Date/Time, Elapsed Time, FPS, Bitrate, Y PSNR, U PSNR, V PSNR, Global PSNR, SSIM, SSIM (dB), I count, I ave-QP, I kpbs, I-PSNR Y, I-PSNR U, I-PSNR V, I-SSIM (dB), P count, P ave-QP, P kpbs, P-PSNR Y, P-PSNR U, P-PSNR V, P-SSIM (dB), B count, B ave-QP, B kpbs, B-PSNR Y, B-PSNR U, B-PSNR V, B-SSIM (dB), Version -o out.x265 --crf 45 --tune zero-latency --log 3 --threads 1 --no-scenecut --csv parkjoy_45.csv C:\x265\testFiles\park_joy_1080p50.y4m, 10/26/14 23:28:21, 37.33, 13.40, 231.44, -, -, -, -, -, -,2 , 45.52, 8994.60 , -, -, -, -, 498 , 51.03, 196.25 , -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, 1.3+618-c15bb6a0d01f

    crf 10: Command, Date/Time, Elapsed Time, FPS, Bitrate, Y PSNR, U PSNR, V PSNR, Global PSNR, SSIM, SSIM (dB), I count, I ave-QP, I kpbs, I-PSNR Y, I-PSNR U, I-PSNR V, I-SSIM (dB), P count, P ave-QP, P kpbs, P-PSNR Y, P-PSNR U, P-PSNR V, P-SSIM (dB), B count, B ave-QP, B kpbs, B-PSNR Y, B-PSNR U, B-PSNR V, B-SSIM (dB), Version -o out.x265 --crf 10 --tune zero-latency --log 3 --threads 1 --no-scenecut --csv parkjoy_10.csv C:\x265\testFiles\park_joy_1080p50.y4m, 10/26/14 23:52:08, 311.56, 1.60, 204085.65, -, -, -, -, -, -,2 , 10.60, 499535.00, -, -, -, -, 498 , 18.32, 202899.10, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, 1.3+618-c15bb6a0d01f

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