Parameter labels missing from Karl's version of Fig 12.17

Issue #23 resolved
Richard Murray repo owner created an issue

Karl was having problems with parameter labels showing up correctly in his version of Figure 12.17. See attached PDF.

Comments (6)

  1. Richard Murray reporter

    Karl, 4 Jul 2019: This is an old comment the figure is now 14.8 the new figure is nice but we need a marking of $z/p=2$ in the left figure.

  2. Richard Murray reporter

    This diagram has been updated several times. Current version has labels but the labels need to be adjusted because they are too crowded (see inline comment).

  3. Richard Murray reporter

    This issue is fixed in current version. Also: we had some back and forth about putting in the z/p < 1 case, but plan to stick with the current diagram (z/p > 1) since the other case requires unstable controllers and so it is not quite the same.

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