No graph is displayed

Issue #23 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have just installed version 2.1.0 on a JIRA Server running 7.1.0. The installation and configuration was no problem. The problem now is that no graph is drawn for the issues. The section is present with three tabs and a small icon, but no graph. Have I missed somthing?

Comments (3)

  1. Florian Marquardt

    Have you seen any problems in the server logfile or in the JavaScript-Console?

    It is possible, that very slow loading pages (because of very big JIRA-Instances) confuse the client-side event-handling of Jira-frontend, which results is an unknown DOM-Object (the canvas for the graph) To prove this try a small issue in a small project which loads fast (if possible). If the graph shows up, then it is the performance issue.

    akward solution then: hit F5 :(

  2. Florian Marquardt

    This issue should be solved in new version 2.1.2 of IssueGraph. However as it is not directly possible to reproduce the exact problem, I hope the problem is solved now.

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