Unsafe resources referenced from wrong hostname

Issue #31 resolved
Erik Wegner created an issue

Within the generated HTML, there is an image referenced as status icon.

<div id="PROJ-2662-tooltip" style="display: none;">
    Der Vorgang <b>PROJ-2662</b> (Ablösung Server) befindet sich zur Zeit im Status <u>in Umsetzung</u>
    <img src="http://srv715.internal.domain.net/images/icons/statuses/zahnraeder.png" width="16" height="16" title="Status" alt="Status"/> und ist <i>Erik Wegner</i> zugewiesen.

This reference uses the internal server name, but the Jira is accessed by a public DNS alias, e. g. https://jira.intranet.domain.net.

The image src tag should use a relative link or use the public host name and the correct protocol (https in my case).

This issue is internally tracked as JIRA-538.

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