
myhercodo Last of us remastered matchmaking issues

Created by myhercodo

Comments (1)

  1. myhercodo

    Last of us remastered matchmaking issues

    ♥♥♥ Link: Last of us remastered matchmaking issues

    Can't wait to play all the new maps. Everyone can afford two konzoles while I cant buy a god damn ps4. I even turn off the Vita before swaping the memory. There has been a recent update as indicated on. Also I might slow down for a second because I might have a heart attack. In the very beginning when you and Tess walk out into the streets in that safety compound, Last of us remastered matchmaking issues turned into a motionless statue and slid around the ground. Now to another point, its sort of frustrating that the official forum is not read by Sony and as far as i know there is no better way reaching them then commenting here. This Slovakia sucks balls. It is 2014 and this simple problem still exist on the Vita. Do enemies have more health aswell. You're fine to go ahead. I've been "Searching for Optimal Game" for the better part of this evening. How can I fix this. The very genre of what I call Survival Horror portrayed in a somewhat balanced way across story and multiplayer mode ticked all the boxes for me. Cannot download the maps!. At least it comes with a reversible cover which is always cool. Anywho, they're the only store directly on my drive home, so unless I go out of my way to find a best buy or walmart I guess I'll have to go in. I downloaded the game on my ps4 about 20 minutes ago and I chose to play single player first, and I went back to my home screen and I don't know how to play while it downloads. Matchmaking issues or not, my season pass should have warranted the free maps anyway, there was no indication that the season pass has expired to my knowledge even across both consoles of which I own both versions. Make sure the new account is same as the game region. Everyone can afford two konzoles while I cant buy a god damn ps4. Never was a fan of the double difficulty requirement especially when you consider the new game plus version is easier but still required. I will try to keep you all up matchmkaing date as much as I can. Matchmaking issues or not, my season pass should have warranted the free maps anyway, there was no indication that the season pass has expired to my knowledge even across both consoles of which I own both versions. Loving the game though.


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