Crash happened when pewview the Video with threads = 1 after Check Script.

Issue #13 invalid
changhao fu created an issue

VS R34 ffms 2.23 vapoursynth-editor-64bit-2016-10-16

import vapoursynth as vs
import sys
core = vs.get_core(accept_lowercase=True,threads=1)
a = "sample.mkv/mp4"
res = core.ffms2.Source(a,threads = 1)

When I not use the threads = 1 it worked fine.

When I use threads = 1 It worked when I click the pewview directly.

When I click the Check Script then click the pewview it will crash.

When I click the Check Script then start the benchmark it worked fine.

PS:worked with res = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(a,threads = 1).

Comments (4)

  1. Aleksey Lyashin repo owner

    Upload your sample files please. Also specify, where exactly in the script do you remove "threads = 1" to make it work.

    Update: Also try installing VapourSynth r35 RC1. FFMS2 was updated in it.

  2. Aleksey Lyashin repo owner

    Between vapoursynth-editor-64bit-2016-10-16 and vapoursynth-editor-64bit-2016-10-20 there were no changes that could fix that crash. Likely, FFMS2 bug.

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