r14 will crash when open the preview in secound time.

Issue #21 resolved
changhao fu created an issue

vapoursynth r36

VapourSynth Editor r14

l-smash works r921

video clip:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuLZlZ18APQ


vpy code.

import vapoursynth as vs
import sys
core = vs.get_core(accept_lowercase=True,threads=1)
a = '39 Music.mp4'
res = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(a,threads = 1)

When I open it in preview Screen the first time it worked fine, but in secound time it will make the vsedit crash.

Seems the The setting "keep current frame when previewing the different script" will cause this crash.

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