Preview ignores colour matrix etc.

Issue #27 invalid
Former user created an issue

As I understand it, when a clip is converted from one set of primaries/transfer/matrix to another it should look the same in the preview window; after all the picture didn’t actually change, only its encoded bit representation. However, if I convert to linear RGB the picture in the preview is markedly darker.

I have attached a VapourSynth test script which shows this behaviour.

I’m using VapourSynth Editor r18, self-compiled on Gentoo.

Actually, I’m not quite sure if this is a bug in VapourSynth Editor, in VapourSynth/zimg, or in my head as I am just beginning to understand the basics of colour theory.

Comments (1)

  1. Aleksey Lyashin repo owner

    To create the preview vsedit uses internal Resize filter, which uses zimg. The filter is set up so it reads matrix/transfer/primaries from the clip if they're present, or uses preview settings if they're not. So, when you convert the clip - preview is supposed to look different.

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