bloated png by using 'Save snapshot' from preview

Issue #38 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, i'm trying to create Source vs Encode comparison.

when i'm taking snapshots from preview screen, the output png is bloated and around 6MB (for 1080p file). even if the encode is 50% size of the Source, the Source's png and the Encode's png is in the same bloated size.

(in avsPmod the PNGs is in different size, and around 2-3MB for 1080p file)

Thank you for this awesome software!

Comments (6)

  1. Aleksey Lyashin repo owner

    Thing is: it’s Qt that is saving the image. Qt is pretty much this project’s only dependency. I can not influence .png saving in it, and doing it with other means would involve drawing more dependencies. I don’t want to do that. I don’t see how this is a critical bug. If snapshot size is so critical to you - you could save as WebP.

  2. Aleksey Lyashin repo owner

    Wonderful. I didn’t know that. Thank you very much!

    I’ll fix it as soon as I get to it.

    No to the pull request, because different argument should be used for PNG and WebP.

  3. Jagadeesh kotra

    Yes, you are right.WebP should have 100 as quality. -1 is resulting in size <100kb.

    I think you can fix this with a if-else.

    Happy to help.

    Thank you very much for developing this awesome software.

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