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Native Programming

The Robobo robot is built on top of the Robobo Framework, a robotics development framework specially designed for the Robobo robot and built on top of the Android operating system.

The Framework allows programers to use the Java language and the Android API to create native programs for the Robobo. Native programs, unlike Scratch and ROS programs, are the only way to load new behaviors or functionalities into the robot and run them autonomously, without any other external device (computer, etc.). This section, which is currently under construction, will provide all the information required to create new native programs for the robot.

Using the Robobo Framework programmers can write two different kinds of native programs for the robot:

  • Robobo Apps: Creating a Robobo App is the easiest way to natively program the Robobo. It allows developers to create a complete Android application that controls the robot, providing it with new behaviors build on top of the integrated features of the framework (text-to-speech, sensors, sound recognitions, face recognition, etc.), like build a game, a mascot behaviour, or a more mundane line-follower robot application. This Apps can be installed in any Android smartphone, and even uploaded to the Play Store. How to create Robobo Apps.

  • Robobo Modules: By building a new module you can and new features and behaviours to the framework that other developers can use in their programs, including Robobo Apps and ROS programs. How to create Robobo Modules

Robobo libraries

Rob Interface library: This is the core library to control the Robobo Base movement and sensorization capabilities.

Vision library: Used to manage all computer vision capabilities of the Robobo.

Sound library: Contains all the sound related modules of the Robobo.

Speech library: Used to produce and recognize speech.

Touch library: To manage touch events in a easy way.

Sensing library: Used to get information of the smartphone sensors.

Emotion library: Manages the emptions shown on the smartphone screen.

Sensing library: Used to get information of the smartphone sensors.
