Could not open file: \base2.ecf

Issue #4 new
Peter Sommerhoff created an issue

After opening objects.ecf in EiffelStudio and performing precompilation, one of the libraries cannot be found:

Error code: VD00

General configuration parsing error.
What to do: fix the configuration file.

Could not open file: \base2.ecf
Configuration: C:\Users\peter\Dropbox\workspace\touchofclass\traffic\examples\02_objects\objects.ecf

I cannot find any base2.ecf in the cloned repo either. Am I doing something wrong?

Comments (2)

  1. Henry Lenzi

    Same issue here. base2.ecf is found in where Windows installed Eiffel: C:\Program Files\Eiffel Software\EiffelStudio 18.11 GPL\unstable\library\base2.ecf The offending line of code seems to be this in the Traffic configuration files: <library name="base2" location="$EIFFELBASE2\base2.ecf"/>

    Were you able to fix this?

  2. Artur Yarmolin

    EiffelStudio’s version is 19.05 but the problem still exists.
    At least you should write that using ES’ file base2.ecf (that I 've found here: “/usr/lib/eiffelstudio-19.05/unstable/library/base2/base2.ecf”) helps with nothing.

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